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AD HQ: Branding & Marketing Campaign for the SE Profession

SEA Involvement & Brand Ambassador Participation 

As an integral part of NCSEA’s Branding & Marketing Campaign for the Structural Engineering Profession, each SEA will name at least one "Brand Ambassador" to represent and guide their SEA at the local level. The campaign will need individuals to take what is created at the national level and help deploy it at the state level making the SEA volunteers a critical aspect to the success of the program. NCSEA and Agency McKenna will provide support to each Brand Ambassador to ensure success.


NCSEA’s Branding & Marketing Campaign for the Structural Engineering Profession is simple yet critical: build awareness of the structural engineering profession and elevate the perceived value of structural engineers and the contributions they make to their communities.


NCSEA's branding and marketing partner, Agency McKenna, is leading this effort that includes:

- A positioning strategy for the program
- A campaign brand and tagline
- External marketing campaign materials to be used nationally and locally
- Rollout strategy with specific SEA support

When & Why?

Agency McKenna and NCSEA will collaborate with the SEAs to provide training and support so that the external marketing and public relations materials can be adopted at the SEA level. This set of turn-key marketing materials will both deliver resources to each SEA for use in their local market and complement NCSEA’s national digital marketing campaign. Together, we can maximize the impact the marketing campaign has on the future of structural engineering.


NCSEA hosted two webinars (that can be viewed below) with Agency McKenna that introduce this initiative and discuss how it will build awareness of the structural engineering profession and elevate the perceived value of structural engineers and the contributions they make to their communities.

Download Presentation Slides


Download Presentation Slides